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2 Latest Ways to Promote iPhone Games on Facebook


Completing iPhone game development is only half the job done, the remaining half is to get the word out and encourage people to buy your game. Sadly, it is not always easy.
Before social media appeared on the scene, only the largest game studios had the wherewithal to invest in intensive marketing. Successful Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms lowered barriers to marketing and democratized the field, boosting indie game development and encouraging the growth of small studios. It is changing once again.
Today, social media is becoming less accessible. Content moderation is high and newer algorithms are designed to reduce reach, apparently in an attempt to sell ads. Although this is bad news for small studios and India game developers, it does not mean they are back to square one.
With some ingenuity, iPhone game developers can use social media to promote their games. This post covers Facebook and shares two ways to spread the word about your latest creation:


Use Facebook Events

Every iPhone game developer has a Facebook page nowadays. Creating one for yourself will not make you stand out from the crowd. You need newer tools.
Events is exactly the tool, you can use to promote your iPhone games. It will particularly come handy just before the launch of your game, or before a major overhaul. There are several benefits of using Events over Page, the three that matter the most are:

  1.          Although you vanish from the scene, you can promote your game’s release date more effectively.
  2.          All members will receive notifications, striking out the guessing game from your plan.
  3.          Your potential buyers will receive an automatic push notification an hour before the launch.

Unleash the Power of Native Videos

For some time now, Facebook has been promoting its native video feature. In its bid to attract users, Facebook is offering higher reach to native videos. While it lasts, you can capitalize on this trend.
Instead of uploading a trailer on YouTube or Vimeo, you can post it directly onto Facebook. It will expand your reach noticeably.
There is another benefit of going native on Facebook: you can put a link at the end of the video. That link can lead to a landing page or app store.


Although it is becoming harder to get your iPhone game noticed on social media, there still remains a lot of room for maneuvering. You can invoke the latest features launched by big social media websites, such as Events and native videos for Facebook.
Think it will be too hard to keep up with the latest in social media? Let experts handle the promotion and marketing of your iPhone game. You can return to making your game awesome, while the experts will toil to make it popular. Click here to read more.
Posted By Annie at

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