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Please use this form to report suspected bugs in cogniter.com website
Please note: You will not get a response to your bug submission.

Use the contact us form to request new features or suggest modifications to existing features.

The information you provide will be presented to Cogniter development teams to determine whether your submission is a known or suspected bug. Be assured that we read all bug submissions and take what our customers have to say very seriously. Please submit one report per suspected bug.

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What makes us best?

Premier US IT Organization More than 22 years of experience in award-winning design, development, and digital marketing.

Premier US IT Free technical support. We believe in long-term relationships. If we designed and developed your application we will stand behind it.

Development Organization Proven track record of delivering difficult projects in time and budget. We support all kinds of custom design and development.

IT Company in Chandigarh India Exceptionally cost effective solutions. An international team spread out over four countries gives us a cost-advantage which we can pass on to you.

Microsoft Certified ISO Certified