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3 Things You Can Do to Build Your Brand Online

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016

Media ad spending in the U.S. is set to hit $200 billion in 2016 and online advertising will receive a big chunk of it.

Data shows that publishing ads on the Internet is the fifth most popular way to increase awareness about a brand. A recent survey of over 2,000 clients showed that nearly 27 percent customers come to know about a new product or service through online advertising.

The opportunities for growth are huge if your business is online but so are chances of squandering them because of poorly thought-out or implemented strategies.

Thankfully, it is not that difficult to avoid the most common pitfalls and build your brand and increase sales by sticking to  these three ideas.
Help Your Clients, Don’t Hype

It is easy to go overboard when you are online. Every second company claims to be the leading provider of something. You do not have to join the hype bandwagon.
If you can manage to restrain hype online, no matter if you are publishing on social media or your business’ official website, and focus instead on genuine, helpful content, it will build your brand like nothing else can.
It may sound counterintuitive, but this strategy works in the long run. It can produce reliable clientele.
Don’t Stifle Clients’ Opinion

It is never a good strategy to make it hard for your audience to comment. While not all the conversations may be positive, it is still safer to encourage your clients to publish on channels that you control than websites that are beyond your reach.
If the conversation is positive, amplify it through social media, YouTube, blogs and other means. If a client is irate, show off your customer service. But never censor your clients.
Let Your Customers do the Marketing

Do not blow your own trumpet. It is never an effective strategy. A more workable solution is to encourage your clients to leave you testimonials. It will kill two birds with one stone.
Hype from your clients sounds more authentic than you saying you are this or that. And your clients, who leave comments, are likely to share them with their friends—thus increasing the number of potential customers.
By restraining hype and encourage your clients to share their opinion on your business you can go a long way to build your brand and increase revenues.
Posted By Chetan at

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