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4 Common Email Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid


Are you having trouble turning your subscribers into customers? 
That is probably because you may have gotten someone’s email address but didn’t market it properly. 
Email marketing is still one of the best ways of driving traffic and boosting sales. If you do your homework well, you can avoid these common pitfalls and make your email marketing strategy a success.  You can also hire a company that offers Email Marketing Services, but first let us discuss and build you an email that offers tangible and desired results. 
Here are 4 very common email marketing mistakes you need to avoid: 

1) No Call-to-Action

If you are creating emails that do not include any call-of-action then you should just stop wasting time in email marketing. 
You are not giving any information to your subscribers about what action they should take. Here, you are missing the point of creating a campaign on the first place to reach your targeted goal. Fortunately, you can correct this mistake by optimizing your email by creating persuasive email copy along with an effective call-to-action. 

2) Not Creating Email for Readers

Do you create emails that are only focused on you, your business and your goals?   
If you are doing so then you are making one of the biggest mistakes because you are forgetting your main target- your audience. It is important to understand that your audience doesn’t care about the things that don’t involve them. They want to know what you are offering to them; how it would benefit them, other wise they will loose interest. 

3) Not Automating Emails 

According to BigCommerce, email automation is one of the most effective methods for email marketing. It helps you engage with customers at exactly the right moment when they are most receptive to your message.
A lot of time and efforts goes in creating an individual message, but you can’t send a general blast to your entire database either. Luckily, there are a number of automation tools that can help you send the right message to the right audience at the right time. It will save you time, help you develop relationships with your base, increase brand awareness, and personalize your marketing at the same time.

4) Neglecting Email Subject Lines 

It is an honest mistake to neglect email subject lines and only focusing in crafting a beautiful email, because you are sure your subscribers will love the content of your email.   However, not paying any proper attention to your email subject, you take the chance to loose out on critical subscribers that will never even see, read, or interact to your emails, regardless of how well they are designed. 
You are wasting your time and budget by not creating engaging subject lines. So, take the time to craft compelling email subject lines that compels your readers to open it the moment they hit there inboxes.

In Conclusion 

Are you guilty of any of the 4 common email marketing mistakes?
Not to worry. You can mend the situation easily by flipping the script and pull your email strategy back together. Learn from these common mistakes, implement smart practices in your marketing, and your emails will have the power to yield more traffic, lead and sales for your business.
At Cogniter, you will get the best email marketing services in India and across the world. We have an experienced team of writers and designers who will create clean, accurate, and attractive email templates. 
For more information, get in touch with us at info@cogniter.com.
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Posted By Ankita at

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