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4 Key Challenges of Mobile Application Testing


Mobile applications have made an irreplaceable space in our lives and have evolved much faster than we expected. 
The increased usage followed by rapid development of mobile apps is a clear indicator of the need to test them thoroughly before releasing them in the market. This need for mobile application testing has become even greater than before following the fast development of the mobile industry.
With end user getting more critical of user experience and performance, it is a must to address certain mobile application testing challenges.

Here is the list of real-time challenges that mobile application developers and testers are facing:


1) Rapid Technological Changes

The fast-changing mobile technology presents new challenges for mobile application testing professionals. The old technology is becoming outdated quickly, and manufacturers are developing new platforms rapidly to stay ahead of their competitors. Testing engineers need to be updated about new technologies and enhance their skills and knowledge efficiently in the varying scenarios.

2) Diverse Platforms 

Today, there are diverse mobile platforms available in the market having a variety of screen size, shape, operating system, and hardware that calls for Mobile application testing professionals to have good UI/UX skills and expertise. It is important for testers to test an application extensively for its flawless functionality and compatibility on all platforms and screen sizes.

3) Various Testing Tools

Mobile test automation is challenging but even more challenging is the huge availability of mobile test automation tools in the market. That makes it hard to choose what suits best for what.  Free or paid, for a native app or web app? For Android or for iOS, which automation tool fits best for your mobile test automation needs, or is there a single tool for Mobile Test automation needs? So, it is important that the test engineer keeps experimenting with various automation testing tools and uses the right tool for the right situation.

4) Usability

Mobile device screens are relatively small and developers feel the need to present more data than possible to fit in the screen. It is challenging to keep the interaction clean and simple for the user, and at the same time display all the necessary information. Font size and readability are other challenging factors of usability. When testing mobile applications it’s important to pay attention to the size of click areas and to ensure that all content is readable.

In Conclusion

The challenges of mobile application testing are unavoidable. They present you with different choices and options that you need to make to get the right solution. 
Cogniter with the help of its mobile application testing team will help you overcome these challenges. Clients can choose and get their app tested on a specific mobile device as we have access to an enormous pool of different mobile devices.
Our testers have the ability and knowledge to discover those issues before your customers do. Contact us to hire our mobile testing services!
Posted By Admin at

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