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7 Things You Are Doing Incorrectly With Your Website Design!


Website Design is a realm that can be pretty complicated to master. Every day, it comes with the latest trend and designs. In regards to creating a responsive, conversion, and revenue booster design, the majority of businesses are consistently struggling. Well, every business wants their website to look appealing, yet they forget it also requires making money. 
Still, it has found a common mistake amongst businesses to focus on appealing web design highly; instead of one that can enhance their conversion rates.
Generally, these mistakes are fine-drawn, but they can massively restrict any business growth! 
By making such mistakes, customers can lead in the wrong direction rather than attracting to your website. 
Thenceforth, it is suggested to avoid such mistakes if you want to grab high traffic and your potential audience to gets on your website.
However, fixing these mistakes consumes time & effort, but it's not rocket science that is impossible to do.
By investing consistent efforts, and focus, you can easily increase your website traffic, sales, and leads. Let's identify mistakes that can hurt your website and push your potential audience away. 

Take a glance below! 

Website Design Mistakes that anyone can't afford to miss out! 

Apathetic Website Design 

Responsive website design has been counted as one of the most crucial features to create an ideal website design. At that time, if you are proceeding with apathetic web design, there is a surety of low traffic rate. Every visitor is landing your website via different platforms, including smartphones, desktop, PS4, and Windows. At that point, having a responsive web design will help you enhance your visitor's experience. A Responsive web design improves the way users look at devices on both small and large screens. It is suggested to avoid such mistakes and create a responsive website design. 

Low Quality of Tracking, Kerning & Leading

Kerning is defined as the space between characters, whereas tracking is defined as the space between words and phrases. Additionally, Leading is defined as the space between the lines. 
Maintaining a quality between mentioned typography factors is crucial. The closed together with the characters, words, or lines are, the complicated it is for your audience to read and understand your objective behind the writing. 
Mostly, these terms are ignored by businesses, but it sheds a huge impact on the audience visit. The troubles found with kerning, tracking, and Leading make clarity difficulties.

Content is not audience-focused

Sometimes, content marketers focus on presenting the goodness of their businesses and services and how best they are. In the meantime, they forget their user’s queries for what they are seeking and visit their website. 
Such content is highly ignored by visitors and decreases credibility. As a result, it becomes complicated for you to convert leads into customers. Thus, it is suggested to create user-intent-based content. 

Slow Server Response

After optimizing the webpages for speed, businesses must consider but the server response speed is slow, then your website automatically starts running slow. And, having a slow server response speed indicates troubles in performance that are not favorable for any website.
There are the following reasons that can cause the slow server response time such as: 
Frameworks & Libraries
Slow Application logic 
Memory Starvation 
Slow database queries 
Considering all of the keys mentioned above will assist you improve your website server response time. 

No Browser Caching

The presence of Browser Catching helps you improve your website loading time. Caching quickly download the files and data at first and then store it on your system's hard drive.
As we know, recovering files from a hard drive is simpler than recovering from a web server. 

Non-scannable Content

Visitors have just sufficient time to read 28% of your content on an average basis during an average visit. Now, you might think should you minimize your content length? No, it just means creating content that is easy to scan. Now, get to know what kind of content is scannable? 
Includes descriptive with sub-headers 
Includes short paragraphs 
Includes Numbered & Bullet Points 
Bold & Italicized formatting


This type of content is considered easy to scan and seems more interactive to your visitors. 

Usage of Conflicting Fonts 

If you think the usage of more than two fonts would help your website look appealing, then it might not be good thought. Sometimes, using multiple fonts conflicts with each other. In the meantime, font's conflict can divert your visitor's attention from the core message.
Generally, it is found problematic because Fonts conflict creates emphasis and diverts the focus of visitors where there is none. 

Final Sayings 

Well, the mentioned list is not comprehensive, but it can prove a great start for you to create a result-oriented website. Website design doesn't contain hard and fast rules, yet it does need time & effort. 
Many businesses struggle to create a result-driven website that generates a lot of revenue. Do you know there are few silly and most common mistakes behind this trouble? 
You can easily overcome such troubles just by creating a user-centric website. 
When you start knowing your audience and understand what they are looking for, developing a responsive website will become easy. 
Yet, all it starts with your audience, so figure out what they want, how, and when, then try your best efforts to meet their requirements. 
Additionally, Cogniter Technologies is always ready to serve your assistance if you seek professional guidance on your web design. 
Cogniter Technologies is a leading web design & development company, offering high-end services for the past 18 years. Get a closer view and freely consult our experts at https://www.cogniter.com/.  
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