Are You Hit by Google Penguin 2.1 Update?
OCTOBER 20, 2013
Once again, Google has whipped the whole SEO world into an utter whirl. Everybody’s favorite black and white aquatic bird is back with updates. Now, almost every site owner is asking how Google penguin 5th update has affected their site.
On 4th Oct, 2013, the head of Google’s web spam team, Matt Cutts had shared the news on twitter saying “the latest release would impact about 1% of all the searches.”

For those who are fresh to the whole concept of ‘Penguin’. Well it is a ‘Spam fighting’ Algorithm. The Penguin is part of Google’s on the whole search algorithm that from time to time looks for sites that are deemed to be spamming Google search results but in some way still ranking sound. It especially goes after those sites that may have purchased paid links. If you were knocked by penguin, you’ll possible want to know if you see marked drop in traffic. Keep on reading to know why sites are hit by Google Penguin 2.1.
1. Forum spamming, this includes comments in forums containing exact matching anchor texts.
2. Forum Bio spamming, this includes Biographies of forum users containing exact matching anchor texts.
3. The sites that do not add ‘No follow’ to the links they have posted have to face the consequences. This sends Google a warning sign that you are trying to game links.
4. If you are using spamming directories or were using them in the past and you still have link outs there, get rid of them, disavow them or have them no follow.
5. The classified websites are also the culprits that are showing up with heavy unnatural links containing exact matching anchor texts directing to destination websites.
Keep in mind that penguin heavily target unnatural links and new content or social activity would not trigger any recovery. Penguin targets exact match anchor text so thoroughly analyze your link profile. Remove the links if you can and disavow the remaining ones. Create a strategy to remove or disavow and if needed remove the pages.
Contact us to get a customized Penguin 2.1 SEO strategies for your website.
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