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How to Write Extremely Good Copy for Conversions and Sales?


The sales copy is more important than you can imagine, especially in an age when you have less than 100 characters to send your message across to visitors and convince them to give you business. It is hard, but not impossible. There are a few techniques. You can write an excellent copy for your PPC campaign on Google and Bing if you take into account these techniques.

•    What makes you unique?

What makes your business unique? Is it the cost factor? Is it the quality of your products? Is it your customer service? Or, is it the free delivery that you offer? Brainstorm to find out what makes your business unique and include it in your copy.

•    Call to action

Let’s assume it is the quality of your products that makes you stand apart. What next? What is the customer supposed to do with this information? Guide your clients. Include a call to action in your copy. A call to action phrase sounds something like this – call us now, visit us today, and buy from us to avail this offer. Include a call to action to help your potential customers make a decision.

•    Offer discounts

Who does not love discounts? Run an offer and highlight it in your sales copy. It will do wonders. It is smart to include limited period discounts as they help people to make a decision, instead of postponing it indefinitely.

•    Include contact information

Many people still are not comfortable with internet. Include contact information, such as your telephone number or physical address in the copy. It will go a long way in wooing people, who might not click on the ad to visit your website.

•    Do not ignore the landing page

Do not overlook the landing page because it is there where people go after clicking on the PPC advertisement. Make landing page as convincing and persuasive as possible. And make sure the landing page chimes in with the theme set by the PPC ad.

There are five essentials of writing a convincing sales copy for PPC campaigns. Highlight what makes you unique, do not ignore the landing page, include discounts, do not overlook contact information, and insert a call to action. 
Posted By Annie at

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