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Is SMS Marketing Still Alive? Get to know How to use it to generate Revenue!


Did you know individual checks their mobile phone around 344 times in a day? 
This is one of the big reasons that SMS Marketing is still alive. 
As per the survey, 71% of people confirm they check their phones within 5-10 minutes of getting out of bed.
This means mobile phones are handy to people and always ready to use for frequent updates and details. 
Most surprisingly, the Open rate of texts is increased over emails, i.e., 98% of texts over 20% of emails. But, it works for businesses that are using mobile-optimized mobile advertising. 
It is one of the noteworthy and clear ways to get a satisfactory return on investment. 
As you can see, modern digital marketing and mobile-targeting techniques are high-costing. Meanwhile, SMS Marketing is still waiting for you to invest in it.  
Today, we will discuss how and why you should reuse SMS Marketing techniques to generate income. 

Let’s dive in! 


Top SMS Marketing Strategies that one should try

Generally, Mobile Text Techniques are diverse in nature. 
It should be familiar if you have already done social campaigns or promotions.
Amongst all, here are some hand-picked potential SMS Marketing Strategies
  • Adopt Drip Campaigns 

Drip Campaigns refer to automated messages that are sent on the basis of particular elements, including how long the customer has been with us. 
On that basis, you can create tailored responses or triggers. In the coupons context, suppose you can send a 5% discount after signing up, 10% discount after the first month, 155 discount after 20 days, and 30% after 45 days. 
In this manner, there are chances of lasting customers and higher ROI. The best thing is you can schedule it all to proceed automatically. 


  • Send Photos and Videos 

In the place of actual text in SMS Messages, you can also upload videos and photos. 
Basically, what we want to mean is:
Suppose you wanted to send an ebook or any Image in the form of a CTA; you can attach an Image for a better marketing message to your audience. 
  • Utilize Exclusive Deals and Coupons 

One can start by generating unique coupon codes to avoid non-subscribers from taking benefit of your deals and coupons. 
In this way, the audience will have to subscribe to get the exclusive deal. 
  • Poll your Audience 

Polls are one of the effective and trendy methods to identify your customer behavior and intent. It lets your customers share different keywords to cast a vote. 
Meanwhile, marketers can run polls to gather audience responses and target the potential audience accordingly. Plus, it will help you improve your internal operations and perform better.
  • Run a Sweepstake Contest 

You can have your audience sign themselves for sweepstakes by entering a particular keyword. It is known as standards promotional technique. 
In these contests, you can choose a winner from participants or give a few prizes to those who text back your keyword. 
It can also become a great opportunity for cross-promotion. 

Why should we use SMS Marketing Approach? 

Are you wondering Instagram has impressive engagement? Wait & check what Text Messages get:
  • Text Messages has the best Engagement Rate 

For days, Emails are left unread; even phone calls can go unanswered. But, text messages are the ones that are mostly read instantly. 
You can also understand it with the above-mentioned open rates. Now, the point is SMS Marketing is underrated, but nothing best comes without even a catch. 
Undoubtedly, everyone finds texts a smooth way to get in or out through their mobile phones. 
This is where SMS Marketing should be opted out without getting underestimated. 
  • Ultra-fast Delivery

In fast-paced mobile marketing, your message will send out instantly by tapping "send” with one click. 
You can easily set up a message advertising campaigns ad get thousands of clicks within minutes. 
  • Include Personal Touch

Sending a text message through mobile phone provides you an informal opportunity to connect with your audience and personalize your message. 
For Example, You can use “You” and “I” as one of my favorite tactics to drive engagement and positively interact with the audience. 


SMS Marketing can be a sort of spammy technique by concluding all factors, but it has evolved with time. Now, it stands out as a cost-effective mobile marketing technique in competitive PPC techniques.
Now, people are attached to their mobile phones much more than ever, and SMS Marketing allows you the chance to get direct access to the customers. 
If you are also planning to involve SMS Marketing techniques, you should consider a professional digital marketing agency to perform it perfectly. 
A digital marketing agency like Cogniter Technologies would be your best bet. 

About Cogniter Technologies 

Cogniter technologies, a well-renowned digital marketing agency in India, has offered competitive solutions since 2003. For 18+ years in the industry, we have been well-known for our unique approach and result-driven outcomes.
If you want to get innovative with your text messages, get connected with our Marketing Experts today!
To get detailed insights, visit us at https://www.cogniter.com/.  
Posted By Kajal at

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