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Is SXO the new evolution of SEO? Explore what it all means!


Did you know Google has penalized every over-optimized website? And, luckily it has proved the best confirmation that maintaining a user experience is a valuable priority for websites. Would you like to be in 1st position on search engines? Of course, yes, who doesn't want to? But now, without rendering quality user experience and valuable content. This is what SXO intends to convey.
Let’s explore what SXO is all means!

What is SXO? 

The term SXO stands for Search Experience Optimization. As we discussed earlier, just pleasing an algorithm and adhering to guidelines is no longer enough to gain a higher ranking. To achieve actual excellence, serving quality content and user experience comes into the ground and has become an essential criterion to achieve a high position. 
In simpler terms, SXO is defined as the collection of strategies and techniques to optimize the user experience on search engines. As per the latest success roadway, UX has become the heart of all the elements considered by Google algorithms. 
Now, the statement that gets highly virulent across the market is, "Is SXO really replacing SEO?" 
The term SEO is replaced with SXO in several areas, yet some areas are researching it. As per the latest update, it will soon rule across the entire marketplace. 
The "E" in SEO is no more enough to get quality results and attract your potential audience in the long run. Thenceforth, SXO starts spreading its wings over the market. 
If you want to achieve lasting results with SXO in the coming future, you have to be prepared already.
Perplexed in between how or where to proceed? Don’t worry & just take a glance below! 
How to do SXO & what criteria should you consider? 
This blog post will mention the top 5 criteria to consider to perform better SXO. Let’s explore! 

User-friendly content with Rich Snippets 

With the help of user-generated content, including customer reviews, comments, and ratings, it can assist you in reaching more traffic. Moreover, its usage in rich snippets on SERP can increase the chances of getting higher clicks. 
It has a powerful impact on the content as it adds additional value to the user experience to provide quality insights. Indeed, it takes higher places in the SERP, which is unnegotiable. 

Product-rich Content 

Content has always been an integral pillar of the market, yet its significance has increased tenfold. The prime aim of businesses is to serve the customer with respond-able content. To the same extent, the rich content, along with quality, including length, video, and images, helps to rank better today. 

Technical UX 

Again, Technical UX is a traditional yet most recent factor to consider. As we discussed the Page Experience, this is where the technical side comes to the borderline. Logically, there are factors like page loading speed, security, HTT, and undoubtedly mobile version is highly considerable for Core web vitals. 

Well, it is one of the integral criteria and seems easy to optimize. Yet, don't neglect to fit yourself into the audience's shoes too. Sometimes, you find your website loading time up to the mark; but the Google Speed Insights test invalidates your observation. You should consider the tool's result and not proceed with your assumption and maintain the perfect technical UX. 

Create Conversion Page for UX 

Optimizing the user experience on crucial pages like the conversion page can prove a powerful impact on your website to rank higher. As we know, the entire user journey is highly connected to your website. Thenceforth, it is crucial to establish an impressive sales tunnel and well-written conversion pages to enhance the user experience. 

Content UX

Crafting quality-rich and creative content is best, yet we can do better!
We can try to craft content in a way that favors the UX. With the help of perfectly using title markups can prove fruitful. Alongside benefiting Google, it helps you to enhance the user experience. 
Ideally, one should focus on H1, H2, or H3 as it helps to give content clarity to both search engines and users. In this way, performing such activities encourages your website's best content UX. 
Is there any agency for the SXO audit of a website?
Cogniter Technologies, a respected digital marketing agency in India, has been offering quality service since 2003. The company is backed by expert marketers and innovative brains who are well-versed with the latest updates and strategies to strengthen your marketing efforts. 
With the robust capability in development, UI & UX, to marketing, the company achieved the best in its bay. Want to get professional’s advice on SXO? Feel free to visit Cogniter Technologies. Visit us today at https://www.cogniter.com/. 
Posted By William Fitzhenry at

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