Three Tips to Get Started with Image SEO
MARCH 02, 2016
While “content” is often crowned as the king of SEO, images are usually left in the background. It shouldn’t be. Static visuals can affect your organic ranking in a big way; not only in image-led searches but also in the textual SERPS. If images have not been on your radar until now, it is time you should include them in your digital marketing strategies. These three tips will help you get started.
Rename Your Images
One way to get a top rank for your image on Google is to rename is correctly. So you should never rely on the random numbers generated your camera and always rename your images to something meaningful. It will provide Google’s bots with context and increase your image’s chances to rank higher.
Resize Your Images
Although renaming is crucial, you job does not end at that. Resizing should be the next step. Usually, high-quality images are big; several megabytes heavy. Using those images as such can turn your website heavier and increase page load time; which in turn affects your Google rank negatively. Don’t do it. Hire a designer and compress the images without compromising on the quality front before uploading them.
Use ALT and Title Tags
For all their advances, search engine bots are still essentially stupid when it comes to figuring out the contents of an image. They need help. You can provide that help in form of ALT and title tags. These tags will help the bots understand the photo’s subject and increase your image’s chances of receiving a high rank.
You can also add other tips, such as “uploading only relevant images” and “uploading only high-quality images” to the list.
Happy SEOing!
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