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Top 6 UX Trends to Stand Out of the Ordinary in 2022


Did you know 94% of first impression drives from design? No matter how strong your business is, it will become powerless with a poor design. 
Therefore, it becomes crucial to design exceptional UX design trends and contribute to your website/app design. As a result, businesses can provide a better user experience and convert the maximum audience into potential customers.
To let you experience the benefits of quality UX design, we will present here the latest UX design trends for 2022. 
With the Implementation of these UX trends, your website will stand out of the ordinary brands and create a clean and attractive website design. 

Let’s take a glance below! 


List of Exceptional UX Trends to Dominate the Marketplace


UX Writing 

An intentionally decorated word and creative content are no longer working to win over user interest. It seems the addition of fluff; nothing at all.
In the meantime, individuals want to read & hear some minimal stuff without reading the 1-page long story. 
This is where UX writing is a good option to adopt as it results in higher user engagements and conversions. 
UX writing, also known as "Microcopy," signifies the usage of short sentences to describe the entire story in fewer words in an impactful manner. And the Microcopy should be helpful to understand what your brand is, your brand story, and so forth. 

Mesmeric 3D Visuals 

As we see, 3D visuals have scooped up across the digital world but do not seem practical as it loads a heavyweight on user experience. 
This year, the game is completely changed as the advanced front-end framework diminishes the page load time.
Now, Designers can keep the 3D visuals more detailed and exclusive. They can add desired effects as per the design dimensions and create an enticing 3D visual.
Designers are also allowed to leverage the latest UX design trends for visual storytelling. 

Innovative Personalization 

Personalization is always a prominent key in UX designs. Now, businesses take it to the highest level by personalizing their services to attract the maximum audience.
As you can see, Spotify starts showing the related artists, genres, and top suggestions as per your preferences and searches. Similarly, you might have noticed the recommendation of products on the different screens you wish to buy or search. 
It is known as advanced personalization. 
We will see hyper-personalized UI in the coming year that will alter the tone, visuals, and even elements' position on individual preferences. Thenceforth, one must jump to advanced personalization.  

Anthropomorphic Animations 

Animation is not a new trend in the UX design field. But, Kudos to all the evolving trends that make it exciting and enticing. Across Animation, Anthropomorphism is one of the highly demanded UX trends works in 2022. 
Anthropomorphic facilitates the human emotions, intentions, and features of non-human objects.
By corporating such characters into animation, one can turn into human-like moments that entice users to hook on your website/app. 

Discrete Learning 

Today's technology ensures that learning is not limited to classrooms only. Now, anyone can pursue or revamp their skills or professional status by individual learning via the Internet. 
In 2022, e-learning will be highly promoted at the global stage and bridge the gap of loss that occurred during a lockdown. Most importantly, it avoids crowded places and encourages an advanced learning experience for users. 

Material Design

Since Google introduced the Material design, the UX design trends have brought an advanced facet of myriad forms, including 3D animation, shading features, transitions, and padding. 
Material Design is generally a “Design Language System" that brings the material to life. The prime aim of implementing Material design is to provide better-detailed textures and a personalized user experience. 


As we read above, so many things happened this year and completely changed the UX design field. Well, it is a brief list of the latest UX trends that you can implement to achieve perfection in the coming years.
To prepare yourself for the evolving period, one must kick-start by understanding and implementing the most-required UX design trends. 
Are you ready to band in 2022? 
For getting more detailed insights, you can contact Cogniter Technologies.


About Cogniter Technologies 

Cogniter Technologies is a well-reputable development & design company offering exceptional solutions to its customers. For more than 18 years of expertise in the industry, Cogniter has been businesses to grow with the market’s latest flow. 
So, what are you waiting for? Advance your services and business by visiting us today at https://www.cogniter.com/. 

Posted By Kyle at

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