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Why is Cogniter Expanding its iOS Development Team in 2016?


Google “iPhone” and you will find a ton of websites predicting the end of Apple. Despite raking in more than $18 billion in the last quarter alone—a record—many market analysts are saying that the company’s era of high growth may come to an end in 2016. Such predictions have made many tech companies nervous and a lot of them are already planning to lay down some programmers. But here at Cogniter, we are planning to expand our iOS development team. There are some good reasons for it.

Our Clientele

We have been doing iPad game development and iPhone app development for so many years that thousands of users today depend on Cogniter’s maintaining and upgrading their apps. We do not want to disappoint them. After all, we promised many of them that we would maintain their apps until they pulled the plug. We will continue to need our developers for many years to come.

Our Developers

Many of our programmers have been with us for many years. It is here in Cogniter that they grew from being rookie coders into professional programmers with formidable knowledge and skills. They want to develop for App Store and they want more people to join them. So we continue to hire more iOS developers.

The Reports of Apple’s Demise Are Exaggerated

The Wall Street Journal, The Economist and Engadget cannot all be wrong. It is likely that Apple may not experience the exponential growth it has been used to in the past 10 years, but that does not mean an end of the company. Apple still has more than $150 billion in cash. It is still selling millions of devices each month and will continue to do so for many years to come. There are already more than a million apps in the App Store. All of this is not going to disappear in a year or two.
In fact, we are positive that there will be a demand for iOS development for many more years. And this is one more reason we are expanding our iOS development team.
To sum up, we are not to be carried away by rumors so easily. We have solid reasons to believe that iPhone app development and iPad game development in India still has a bright future. So we continue to expand our team of iOS programmers.
Posted By Chetan at

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