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Panda 4.0 Launched-Time to Start a New Digital Marketing Strategy

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2014

Google announced a major update to its search algorithm this week. In a message by Google, the Google representative wrote that the company had started rolling out Panda 4.0.

Initial estimates suggest that more than 7.5 percent English language search queries can be affected. This makes Panda 4.0 one of the most crucial updates in the history of Google.

The purpose of the change is to “prevent sites with poor quality content from working their way into Google’s top search results.”
Amid the rise of Bing, Google has been trying hard to make its search results highly relevant. This new update is a step in that direction. It promises quality results.

There has been much discussion in the SEO world over how this latest change in Google’s search code is going to impact their business.

Subject experts are of the opinion that companies will have to work harder and change their digital marketing strategy to stay relevant.
Here are a few suggestions to stay on top. They are:

Website design - Opt for responsive website designs. More people are accessing websites from mobile devices. You cannot afford to lose customers who access your website through smart devices.

Do not chase keywords - Focus on useful content. Explain to readers, who you are and what you do. Update your content regularly.

Follow guidelines - If you want to stay on top, you cannot ignore the Webmaster Guidelines. Use Google Analytics to comb out technical issues related to your website.

Social - Google knows when you are posting on social media websites. It takes into account the number of likes social media profiles receive. Therefore, do not ignore the social media.

Google+ - Google+ matters a lot. It should be a priority to share content of your blog posts, social posts, and YouTube uploads on Google+.

Your sites do not have to fear from Panda if it contains relevant content that follows the Webmaster Guidelines, and if the content is frequently shared on social media, especially Google+.
Posted By Anita at

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